Craft Party 101 - Tools and Supplies

Let me tell you friends, when I first started making wood decor - I had no clue what tools I needed.

I would watch some You-Tube or Facebook video tutorials and be sure I needed this tool or that tool, soon to find out that I didn’t.

So I have compiled a list for you! And I do want to say that there are MANY ways to do things.

How I do things may not be how you do things or even how you want to do it. So with that in mind I want to share with you the things that have worked for me getting started. They may work for you too!

Inside the shop

 A place to use power tools

Don’t let this scare or discourage you if you do not have a shop or garage! When I got started I would use an old picnic table in my yard. I would drag everything out, cut and sand what I wanted. Clean up my mess and drag everything back. You can find a way!


   A sturdy table or counter

You will need a good sturdy place to set your power tools on. DO NOT work off the ground or floor. Along with not being safe, it’s really hard to see and be accurate. Like I mentioned above, when I first got started, I used an old (but sturdy) picnic table. Probably not ideal, but sometimes you need to start where you are. If you wait for the perfect scenario, you may not get started.


My sturdy old picnic table!


Basic tools/supplies

I call these basic tools/supplies because some of these you will already have around the house and will not have to buy - which is always a good thing :)  I kind of think of these supplies like flour, sugar, eggs and milk.  lol.  Your staple supplies!


*A Printer

(to print your patterns)

*Pencils and paper

(for tracing patterns)


*tape measure and ruler

*paper plates-

(I use them for paint palettes)

 *paper towels

*baby wipes

*paint brushes


- most of my projects I use acrylic paint

*hot glue gun

*wood glue 

(I like Elmer’s Wood Glue, Gorilla Wood Glue for interior projects)

*Mod Podge

*Decorative papers, napkins or tissue paper

Power Tools and other things

These are the power tools and other things I use when creating my home and holiday decor items for The Happy Heart Creative Studio - patterns and tutorials.

*Shop Vac

Trust me. You are going to need one. SO MUCH SAW DUST!! lol


*Mask and Safety Glasses

Like I said SO MUCH SAW DUST - you don’t want to be breathing all that in - so pick a good mask made to keep out the dust particles. Also you need some good safety glasses to protect your eyeballs.


*Scroll Saw or Band Saw

You can start with either one. I will talk more extensively about the differences of these two saw in a later post. But in a nutshell the band saw has more power, you can cut thicker cuts of wood, however you cannot make as tight of cuts with the band saw. The scroll saw cuts angles and turns better and usually gives a smoother finish


*Orbital Sander

an orbital sander operates in a circular and orbital motion. This random pattern helps to prevent swirl marks on the surface being sanded. Orbital sanders are generally easy to use. They are lighter than some other types of sanders, making them more maneuverable and suitable for extended use.



I usually use 120 to 150 grit on my projects.


Other tools and supplies

Are there other tools and supplies that you could use?




Do you really NEED a bunch of other tools to get started?




My patterns and ideas are actually pretty simple to make

-Print the pattern

-Transfer to the wood

-Cut it out

-Sand it

-Paint it

-Connect the layers

-Decorate and display


-Sell and make some extra money!


Sunflower Pattern 


I hope this list gives you a better idea of what you need to get

started creating some fun wood decor items!